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Tag: herbeatndrink

The inflammation therapist

Inflammation is a condition of the body to cope with a fault or microbe. A chronic condition can trigger bigger problems. Food and especially the Mediterranean diet has proven that it can be a great help! As you read my article you will find interesting

A bit of Mediterranean herbs

The Mediterranean is a region full of herbs. Most of them are native. They are easily recognizable, you can find them, mainly in the slopes of the mountains. Greek Mountain Tea - Sage - Lemon Verbena Greek Mountain Tea (Sideritis) There are more than 15 different

The role of salt in the mediterranean diet

  Salt (scientifically known as «sodium chloride») has an important role in human nutrition. It is composed of Sodium and Chlorine and is one of the most important electrolytes of the human body, since it helps to regulate the fluid balance in our body. However, it